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How To Use EmbedPress Shortcodes For Page Builders?

4 min read

EmbedPress is the easiest embedding solution for WordPress, which enables you to instantly embed any content in your websites with a few clicks. Now, with the help of EmbedPress shortcodes, you can easily embed any content in all your favorite WordPress page builders – Beaver Builder, Divi, and many more.

Here’s how to embed any content into your WordPress site using EmbedPress shortcodes, following simple, easy steps.

How To Create EmbedPress Shortcodes? #

You can easily create EmbedPress shortcodes for free using the plugin dashboard and start embedding content on your preferred WordPress editors by following the steps below. 

Step 1: Copy The Content URL  #

To generate EmbedPress shortcodes, all you need is the URL of the content you want to embed in your site. For the tutorial purpose, we are generating a shortcode for embedding YouTube videos.

EmbedPress shortcodes

Step 2: Generate EmbedPress Shortcode #

Go to your EmbedPress plugin dashboard and click on the ‘Shortcode’ option, as shown below. From there, you can access the tools for generating custom shortcodes and embed in any WordPress editor.

EmbedPress shortcodes

Then paste the collected content URL in the input field and click on the ‘Generate’ button. EmbedPress will automatically generate a shortcode of the source content. Click on ‘Copy Link’ and you will be ready to embed it in any WordPress page builder.

EmbedPress shortcodes

Step 3: Embed With Shortcodes On WordPress Editors #

With the help of EmbedPress shortcodes, you can connect to and embed on any page builder. This tutorial will look at how to embed content in Beaver Builder using EmbedPress. 

To add the shortcode using Beaver Builder, simply drag and drop the ‘Text Editor’ module onto your page. This will allow you to place the shortcode exactly where you want within your content, as shown below. 

EmbedPress shortcodes

After that, copy and paste the URL’s EmbedPress shortcode into your text editor. The shortcode will instantly be transformed into the embed of your desired content. 

EmbedPress shortcodes

Afterwards, publish the page. Once you publish your WordPress post or page, the content will instantly appear live, making it accessible for your visitors to view right away.

You can embed EmbedPress shortcodes in any of your preferred editors using similar steps. 

EmbedPress Shortcode Attributes #

EmbedPress provides many attributes to customize your embedded content using the shortcodes. For example, if you want to embed a Youtube video on WordPress, you can generate the following code using EmbedPress:


Then you can customize how content is displayed by adding various attributes to your EmbedPress shortcodes for better appearance and functionality.

Such as:

[embedpress width='600' height='400][/embedpress]
AttributeDescriptionExample Usage
theme_modeSet the theme. Options: default, dark, light, custom.theme_mode=’dark’
custom_colorSets a custom theme color when theme_mode is custom.custom_color=’#333333’
toolbarToggles the toolbar visibility. Options: true, false.toolbar=’true’
presentationToggles presentation mode. Options: true, false.presentation=’false’
toolbar_positionSet toolbar position. Options: top, bottom.toolbar_position=’top’
downloadEnables or disables download. Options: true,’false’
copy_textEnables or disables copying text option. Options: true, false.copy_text=’true’
doc_rotationEnables or disables document rotation. Options: true, false.doc_rotation=’true’
doc_detailsDisplays or hides document details. Options: true, false.doc_details=’false’
heightSets the embedded content’s height in pixels.height=’400’
widthSets the embedded content’s width in pixels.width=’600’
viewer_styleSets the viewer style. Options: modern, flip-book. (New)viewer_style=’modern’
drawEnables or disables draw option (only for modern viewer). Options: true, false. (New)draw=’true’
zoom_inEnables or disables zoom in option (only for flip-book). Options: true, false. (New)zoom_in=’true’
zoom_outEnables or disables zoom out option (only for flip-book). Options: true, false. (New)zoom_out=’true’
fit_viewEnables or disables fit to view option (only for flip-book). Options: true, false. (New)fit_view=’true’
bookmarkEnables or disables bookmark option (only for flip-book). Options: true, false. (New)bookmark=’true’

Shortcode Attribute Compatibility #

Below are the available attributes for classic editor shortcodes and PDF shortcodes. Use these to customize how your embedded content looks and functions. Check the list to find the right attributes for your embed type.

Classic Editor Shortcodes (All Embedding Sources) #

The following attributes are available for all classic editor shortcodes when embedding any supported content source:

width=’600′Set the width of the embedded content.
height=’400′Set the height of the embedded content.

These attributes allow you to set the width and height of the embedded content directly, ensuring optimal display across different devices and layouts.

PDF Shortcodes (EmbedPress PDF Embedding) #

When embedding PDF files using EmbedPress PDF shortcodes, the following attributes are supported for customization:

viewer_style=’modern/flip-book’Set the viewer style (New feature).
theme_mode=’default/dark/light/custom’Set the theme for the viewer.
custom_color=’#333333′Set custom color (only if theme_mode=’custom’).
toolbar=’true/false’Show or hide the toolbar.
presentation=’true/false’Enable or disable presentation mode.
toolbar_position=’top/bottom’Set the position of the toolbar.
download=’true/false’Allow or restrict downloading the PDF.
copy_text=’true/false’Allow or restrict copying text.
draw=’true/false’Enable or disable drawing (only for modern viewer).

Attributes Only for modern Viewer #

These attributes are available exclusively when using the modern viewer style:

doc_rotation=’true/false’Allow or restrict document rotation.
doc_details=’true/false’Show or hide document details.

Attributes Only for flip-book Viewer #

These attributes are available exclusively when using the flip-book viewer style:

zoom_in=’true/false’Enable or disable zoom-in option.
zoom_out=’true/false’Enable or disable zoom-out option.
fit_view=’true/false’Fit the content to the view.
bookmark=’true/false’Enable or disable bookmarking functionality.

EmbedPress PDF Shortcode Attribute Example #

To embed a PDF using EmbedPress, you can use the following shortcode example with customizable attributes as well:

[embedpress_pdf width='600' height='400' theme_mode='default' toolbar='true' presentation='true' toolbar_position='top' download='true' copy_text='true' doc_rotation='true' doc_details='true']your pdf link[/embedpress_pdf]

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