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How to embed Shoudio Audios in WordPress

1 min read

How to embed Shoudio Audios in WordPressWith EmbedPress, you can embed Shoudio Audios to WordPress, using just a URL.

Here’s how to embed Shoudio Audio into your WordPress site, using the EmbedPress plugin.

Step #1. Install the EmbedPress plugin #

EmbedPress is a very helpful plugin that expands and improves on WordPress’ capabilities. Install EmbedPress and your WordPress site will become far more powerful. Click here to find EmbedPress on

Step #2. Set Up Your Shoudio Account #

  1. Login/Register to your Shoudio account (optional)
    embed Shoudio Audios
  2. Browse through the Audio Directory by clicking provided “Explore” button.
  3. Click on any Audio you like to embed.
  4. On click, audio will play in Media Player shown on bottom-right.
  5. Beside media player, click on the “Tweet” button.
  6. A popup will open with Short URL of Audio.
  7. Copy that URL and save it for embed purpose.

Step #3. Embed Shoudio Audios & Publish #

Now you have the Shoudio Audio URL, you can add it to WordPress.

  1. Go to your WordPress site.
  2. Edit a post or page.
  3. Add your Shoudio Audio URL into the content area, with the “Visual” tab enabled.
  4. You will see a purple background with a “Loading your embed …” message:
  5. Your URL will automatically be transformed into an embed of your Audio:

Step #4. Edit your Shoudio Embeds #

While editing your WordPress content, you can also edit your embed, thanks to EmbedPress.

  1. Hover over the embed, and a purple button will appear.
  2. Click the pencil and a pop-up screen will appear with more options.
  3. You can now change the embed URL, plus you can also control the maximum width and height of the embed.

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