5 Free Tools To Make Your PDF Or eBook Go Viral

Are you looking for the magic wand that will make your PDF or eBook go viral immediately? Well, magic wands are now available in WordPress plugin or software tool format. We have compiled the top 5 most popular free tools that will help your PDF or eBook make a sparkling splash online. So, without further delay, let’s get into the blog.

PDF Or eBook Go Viral

Why Isn’t Your PDF Or eBook Receiving Enough Attention?

If you’re facing challenges with your PDF or eBook, it might be beneficial to conduct a review and identify areas that could be improved. Seeking feedback from peers, readers, or professionals in the field can also provide valuable insights into what might be hindering its success. Here are the top 6 reasons why your PDF or eBook might not be gaining the amount of attention it requires.

➡️ Not Researching Competitions & Choosing The Wrong Time

The digital content space is saturated with a wide range of PDFs, eBooks, articles, and other resources. Your product might be facing tough competition, making it harder to stand out. Releasing your product at a time when your target audience is most active and receptive can make a difference in its visibility and engagement.

➡️ Trying To Make eBooks Go Viral On The Wrong Platform

Choosing the right platform for distribution matters because it might not be reaching the people who would find it most valuable. Make sure to analyze and determine who your target audience is before you share your PDF or eBook to platforms; it should be an online platform where your target audience is likely to be present because only then your PDF or eBook will find the right number of clicks.

➡️ Lack Of Promotion For PDF Or eBook 

If you haven’t actively promoted your PDF or eBook, it’s unlikely to gain much attention on its own. Effective marketing and promotion are crucial for getting the word out to potential readers. As informed in the previous point, you need to share the PDF to platforms where your target audience is available. Utilize social media, email marketing, online communities, and other channels to properly connect with your audience and share your content.

➡️ Lack Of Visibility & Engagement 

If your PDF or eBook isn’t easily discoverable through search engines, social media, or relevant platforms, it’s less likely to attract attention. Interactivity, engaging visuals, and valuable insights can all contribute to a more engaging experience for readers. If your content lacks these elements, it might struggle to hold readers’ attention.

➡️ Not Using Testimonials To Add Credibility

When you’re through producing your whitepaper or ebook, distribute it to a handful of your colleagues or acquaintances who are “industry celebrities” and ask them for feedback. After that, include these quotations in the PDF document itself and in the blog post announcing it.

➡️ Not Putting Emphasis On Call To Actions

On Twitter, if you respectfully request that others share your material, it works really well. You should ask your readers to share your material with their friends and social networks in the same way that you use calls to action to encourage website visitors to take action.

 Here Are 5 Free Tools To Make Your PDF Or eBook Go Viral

If you can compile and analyze all of the reasons why your PDF or eBook will not go viral, you will discover that all of these issues can be resolved with ease if you use the right tool. Today. We will share a list of 5 free magic tools to make your PDF or eBook go viral. 

1. EmbedPress 

PDF Or eBook Go Viral

If you want to self-host your PDF or eBook from your own website, then the best tool is EmbedPress. It is a stunning embedding plugin for WordPress websites. Using this plugin, you can easily embed your PDF or eBook, showcase them, customize them, etc. Moreover, if your PDF or eBook is published from any other platform, you can still showcase it on your website using the EmbedPress plugin. Here are the top features that you will get with EmbedPress to make your PDF or eBook go viral: 

⚡ You may convert your flat static PDFs into amazing 3D flipbooks. This will improve the interaction with your embedded PDF post, capture more readers’ interest, and result in a conversion, often known as going viral. Whether your PDF is a portfolio, eBook, or business handbook, you may convert it into a 3D Flipbook without coding. Most significantly, there is a Download and Print option to help your PDF or eBook go viral.

⚡ There is a stunning feature in EmbedPress, EP Social Share, which provides the opportunity to share your embedded PDF or eBook share directly from your website. This way, you can increase visibility on popular social sharing platforms.

⚡It is already known that giving people the option to download PDFs or eBooks will make them popular. You will easily get the feature for free with EmbedPress.

⚡To keep your authenticity mark on the PDF or eBook, you can add a custom brand logo and create a separate CTA button on the embedded content. Eventually, this will result in your content becoming popular, and you will be able to build brand awareness.

⚡Also, you can add additional text messages, draw custom things, highlight lines and words, control the PDF or eBook view sections, and many more. These features are all available in EmbedPress.

⚡To create a niche readers list of your PDF or eBook, you can make the embedded content password-protected and thus collect email addresses. 

Well, these are the only popular use cases for EmbedPress to make your PDF or eBook go viral. Check out the WordPress plugin and explore all its stunning features at once. 

2. Adobe Acrobat DC & Adobe Indesign

PDF Or eBook Go Viral

For many publishers, designers, and marketers, Adobe Acrobat DC is the tool of choice. For making and working with PDFs, it is a well-known and popular program. You can share a PDF with your team by uploading it to the software. The best way to create, modify, and share PDFs with your team is with this tool. Adobe makes it simple for authors to rapidly put the text, pictures, and videos from their e-books into a variety of storyboard layouts. 

Look at some further features: 

⚡ You can publish using Adobe InDesign in a number of ePub formats, including as Kindle and Apple iBooks.

⚡ Any document you generate with InDesign’s collaboration tool instantly syncs to Adobe’s Cloud server, where people can be invited to collaborate.

⚡ The website provides step-by-step tutorials for making an Adobe e-book. You can learn the fundamentals of generating italicized text from these walk-through videos, as well as how to create an e-book cover and incorporate videos into your designs.

⚡ You may create a DIY cover that draws readers in using the platform’s integration with Adobe Photoshop, XD, Premiere Pro, and Illustrator.

3. FlippingBook

PDF Or eBook Go Viral

A tool for sharing PDF files called FlippingBook enables effective content dissemination. It enables you to turn your PDF files into shareable, interactive HTML5 FlippingBook with a true-to-life page-flipping experience. There are numerous practical ways to achieve that on FlippingBook: 

Simply copy the link to your online flipbook and give it to your client or colleague by email or messenger. They may then open it immediately on any device. No need to download large, time-consuming attachments. Your FlippingBook will automatically transform into a stunning preview of your paper when you copy and share the link to it on social media, grabbing your readers’ attention straight away.

4. Docdroid

PDF Or eBook Go Viral

With a website as straightforward as DocDroid, all you have to do to share a PDF or eBook is upload it, and the program will generate a link that you can give to colleagues and acquaintances or use to embed the PDF as an iFrame on another website. Additionally, DocDroid generates a useful browser preview for your readers. 

As the documents you submit to the platform are not listed publicly, your PDFs are protected with Docdroid. You can at any point make your document private or set up password security. Additionally, all documents are automatically erased after 60 days if they are not read.

5. FlipHTML5

PDF Or eBook Go Viral

A strong digital publishing platform called FlipHTML5 enables users to produce attractive and expertly done digital publications like e-books, magazines, brochures, and catalogs. Simply upload your manuscript to the website in one of these formats—PDF, PPT, or Doc—add any necessary multimedia elements, and publish your ebook online for free.

⚡ The software makes it simple to generate distinctive e-books with a professional design by offering a variety of editable templates.

⚡ Users can improve their reading experience by adding interactive multimedia components like movies, audio, and photographs to their e-books using FlipHTML5.

⚡ Users of FlipHTML5 can produce e-books in a number of file types, including HTML5, EXE, ZIP, and APP. This implies that authors can publish their e-books across many devices and platforms.

⚡ You can even monetize your digital content using this website by deciding on a price for your ebook and starting to sell it. Without any additional expenses, all earnings will be transferred to your PayPal account.

Get Ready To Set Your PDF Or eBook On Fire 🔥

Without a doubt, authors now have more options than ever when choosing the best technology to produce their upcoming PDF or e-book and make it viral. Each of the platforms on our list has special qualities that might aid authors in making their ideas a reality. There is undoubtedly a tool out there that will support your most ambitious projects, no matter what your needs as a creative being. Stay in touch with us by subscribing to our blog and keeping up with these kinds of helpful blogs, articles, etc.

Picture of faguni


Faguni is a tech enthusiast by heart who loves to work on diverse topics. She has a deep interest to work with new marketing strategies and different buyer persona. In free times she loves to travel and explore new peoples.

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