[NEW] Translate & Embed Anything In WordPress With EmbedPress & WPML

Are you looking for a way to translate your favorite WordPress embedding solution, EmbedPress, into your own language for easier navigation? We are thrilled to bring you some super exciting news. EmbedPress is now 100% compatible with WPML – WordPress Multilingual Plugin – and can be translated to any and all your preferred languages with absolute ease! 🥳


EmbedPress & WPML Partnership: Making EmbedPress More Flexible

Here at EmbedPress, we are constantly trying to expand our horizons, improve and ensure you the best user experiences. And so, with our latest update, we have partnered with WPML to make this all-in-one embedding solution more flexible for our non-English native users as well as anyone who wants to create a multilingual website. 


EmbedPress is now 100% compatible with WPML and certified to help you easily translate the plugin interface in any language you want with just a few simple steps and boost your efficiency. You can easily translate strings from the interface into one or more dialects at once, and also switch back into English whenever you need. 

If English is not your native language, it can be frustrating to have to google the translation of strings on your favorite plugin to understand what each feature stands for. And therefore, having the user interface of EmbedPress translated into your own native or preferred language will significantly result in a much better user experience. 

Before we dive further into how to translate EmbedPress into your preferred language, let’s take a quick look at WPML, an essential tool to run multilingual websites. 

WPML: Best Multilingual Tool For WordPress Websites

WordPress is available to its users in many different languages and can be easily translated to your native dialect without any hassle. However, it does not offer you the flexibility to create a multilingual site; without the use of external plugins. 

WPML, on the other hand, is one of the most popular Multilingual Translation Plugins to help you create a functional and fully responsive, multilingual website on WordPress. With it, you will get a powerful translation management system to help you translate any content, theme, plugin, and more. WPML supports all types of posts, custom fields, and strings generated by your WordPress themes and plugins.

This is where this amazing partnership works, as the embedding solution EmbedPress is now 100% compatible with WPML to translate each and every string of its user interface. 

Translating EmbedPress With WPML: A Step-By-Step Guide

Translating EmbedPress with the help of WPML is easy and does not require you to break a sweat. All you need to do is follow the simple guide we have outlined below and your user interface will be fully translated in a few clicks. 

🎯 Step 1: The First Step Is To Install The Required Plugins

Before you can translate EmbedPress, you need to make sure you have installed & activated the WPML Multilingual CMS and WPML String Translation plugins onto your WordPress website.

You must configure the plugins after installation and select any or all of your preferred languages. To have a better understanding of how to activate the configurations of WPML plugins, check out this WPML documentation. 

🎯 Step 2: Configure Themes & Plugins Localization Settings

Once you have installed the WPML plugins, you will need to configure their settings. Therefore, navigate to the ‘Themes & Plugins Localization’ tab within the WPML option on your website dashboard, and scroll down to the ‘Strings In The Plugin’ section, as shown below. 

Here you’ll find all the translatable plugins on your WordPress website listed together. Select both ‘EmbedPress’ and ‘EmbedPress PRO’ by clicking on the checkboxes as you can see from the image above and then, hit the ‘scan selected plugins for strings’ button. This action will scan all the strings available on your plugin that you can translate using WPML. 


🎯 Step 3: Translate EmbedPress Strings Using WPML

When you have scanned all translatable EmbedPress strings on both your plugins, you need to navigate to the ‘String Translation’ tab from your website dashboard to translate your preferred strings. 

If you already know which EmbedPress string you want to translate, simply type it down into the designated input field as shown below and search for the string you want to translate. This EmbedPress string can be any content (single word or full sentence) from your plugin’s user interface. 

Any strings that match your search will appear in a list and from there, you will see ‘+’ icons that represent different languages that you have already picked at the beginning. Simply add your desired translation to your strings by clicking on the ‘+’ sign.

For instance, you want to translate your EmbedPress string into the ‘Spanish’ language. To do that, hit the ‘+’ sign next to your preferred string that represents the Spanish language, and simply write the translated version of the string in the input field that appears. Then press enter and your translated string will be automatically saved for later reference. 


🎯 Step 4: Translate EmbedPress User Interface

Finally, go over to your EmbedPress interface and navigate to the section with the translated string. You will notice a WPML language selector button on your WordPress website admin panel. Click on this button and select the language of your choice, as we have shown an example below for the ‘Embed iFrame Height’ string. 


And that’s it! With these 4 simple, easy-to-follow steps, you can successfully translate EmbedPress strings from its user interface and make them suitable for yourself and for your multilingual website.

What’s Coming Next With EmbedPress?

The EmbedPress and WPML partnership is a success due to the dedicated efforts of both WPML & EmbedPress teams. Give it a try today and let us know of your experience with it by commenting below. We are eagerly waiting to hear from you and make improvements.

Here at EmbedPress, our ultimate goal is to help WordPress users, like yourself, to skyrocket their website’s engagement rates and boost their storytelling experiences with content from more than 100 sources. We are always seeking to find ways to improve your experiences and hope to bring you many few facilities and features in the upcoming future. 

If you have any suggestions, please let us know in the comments below or reach out to our support team; we would be happy to know your feedback. For more updates, tutorials, and tips and tricks, subscribe to our blog or join our friendly Facebook Community.

Picture of Tasnia


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