Introducing EmbedPress 3.0: Revamped Settings Panel, Custom Branding, Lazy Load & More

More than 30,000 content creators use EmbedPress, the easiest embedding solution for WordPress that lets you embed any kind of content with a single click. And to help you enhance your storytelling on WordPress, we have released a major update with tons of new features.

Introducing EmbedPress 3.0, with support for more than 100 content sources, a completely revamped and attractive settings panel, support for lazy load, and much more. Read on below to find out more and grab an exclusive, limited time offer at the end of the post.

EmbedPress 3.0

Stunning New User Interface And Revamped Settings Panel

The new EmbedPress 3.0 comes with a redesigned new user interface and settings panel that will make it all easier for WordPress users to set up their website and start embedding content.

EmbedPress 3.0

Moreover, with the new revamped settings panel, you can quickly get an overview of all your configurations at a glance, and make changes easily wherever necessary.

Add Custom Branding And Logo For Video Embeds

With EmbedPress 3.0, you can now add custom branding and logo for your video embeds. At the moment, you can upload your own logo to be displayed over your Youtube video embeds. You can also customize the appearance of your logo, and even add a Call-to-Action link with the logo. 

EmbedPress 3.0

Configure Global Embed Iframe And Enable Lazy Load

From the new settings panel in EmbedPress 3.0, you can easily set the height and width for your embed Iframe and even enable lazy loading for images. Enabling lazy load for embedding images will help your website run faster, and thus you can enhance your user experience with this new EmbedPress update.

EmbedPress 3.0

Toggle Elements For Gutenberg, Classic Editor And Elementor

EmbedPress 3.0 also comes with the option to enable certain elements on your WordPress website. Under the ‘Elements’ setting in EmbedPress, you can toggle to enable or disable several Google embed sources such as Google Slides, Google Maps, and Google Sheets.

You can choose to disable or enable embed sources for Youtube, Vimeo, and Wistia from here. Besides these, if you are using the page builder Elementor, then you have full control over whether to enable EmbedPress elements for Elementor.

EmbedPress 3.0

In addition to this, you can also choose to enable or disable previewing in both the front end and back end when using the Classic Editor with the new EmbedPress update.

Easily Configure Settings For Youtube Embeds, Vimeo & More

Besides these, EmbedPress 3.0 comes with detailed configuration settings for several video embed sources. For instance, you can choose to configure the settings for Youtube embeds, such as whether to enable autoplay, allow closed captions, display viewer controls, and more.

EmbedPress 3.0

Similarly, you can also configure and customize how your video embeds from websites like Wistia or Vimeo should be displayed. You can specify the color of video controls, enable auto-pause and playing on a loop, and much more.

EmbedPress 3.0

Besides these, with the new EmbedPress update, you can also configure the settings for displaying Twitch live stream embeds. You can choose at what time your Twitch stream embed should start playing, whether to display Twitch stream chat and enable or disable full-screen mode.

EmbedPress 3.0

Create Unique Content In Gutenberg With EmbedPress Blocks

Embedding content in Gutenberg has never been easier. With EmbedPress 3.0, you can embed all types of content in Gutenberg editor including documents such as PDF files or CSV files. You can even embed Google Maps, Google Sheets, Google Docs, and much more with just the URL of the content.

EmbedPress 3.0

Besides these, you can also embed your Twitch, Vimeo, Wistia, and Youtube videos in Gutenberg editor by using the latest EmbedPress update.

Embed Content From Over 100 Different Websites

EmbedPress 3.0 comes with support for embedding content from more than 100 websites or sources. So, you can now easily create unique content and enjoy more flexibility than ever before. 

This includes popular websites such as AudioClip, Vline, Podbean, Chirbit, TikTok, and many more. All you have to do is copy the URL of the content you want to embed and paste it into your WordPress website. It’s as simple as that!

EmbedPress 3.0

Grab Exclusive Offer & Save Upto 50% On EmbedPress PRO

And for a limited time only, you can unlock all premium features of EmbedPress 3.0, now starting at only $29.00 instead of $49.00. Or, you can grab Lifetime access and get upto 50% discount. This discount will be automatically applied during checkout.

Introducing EmbedPress 3.0: Revamped Settings Panel, Custom Branding, Lazy Load & More

We are constantly working hard to expand our library and add more content sources for EmbedPress, so stay tuned for more. If you have any suggestions, please let us know in the comments below or reach out to our support team; we would be happy to know your feedback.

For more updates, tutorials, and tips and tricks, subscribe to our blog or join our friendly Facebook Community.

Picture of Tanaz


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