Today we released EmbedPress 1.3.0 on
This is the first version of EmbedPress that we are truly happy with. Version 1.0 was the initial release on, and versions 1.1 and 1.2 were bug-squashes.
Now, with 1.3, EmbedPress is truly ready for everyone to use.
Here’s an overview of what’s new in 1.3
- Facebook: Post embeds work really well now. Because Facebook sometimes has a problem with showing posts in the wrong language, you can specify the language you want for every Facebook embed on your site.
- Height and width for embeds: Using the EmbedPress settings, you can individually set the height and width for every embed.
- Conflicts: We fixed stylesheet conflicts with some other plugins, including the plugin automatically installed on WPEngine hosting.
- Bug-fixes for specific embeds: We fixed a lot of bugs with GettyImage, Github Gist, VideoJug, NFB, Crowd Ranking URLs.
- Small editor bug: We fixed a bug where nbsp; was being added when users switched from Visual to Text mode.
- Dropped support for some embeds: EmbedPress no longer supports Edocr and AOL embeds because of major issues with their output.
What comes next with EmbedPress?
We’re going to dive deeper in Google Maps and Facebook. Those are two of the most popular embed options and we’d like to provide much more sophisticated support for embeds from those platforms.
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